Case management software can be used by any legal firm, including conveyancing firms. It is used to gather, store, and utilise data, and it can offer a host of benefits from the automatic completion of land registry forms to the provision of regular updates to clients. One area where it excels is in the improvement of communication between your firm and your clients, which is one aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Automated Communication
Communicating with clients may seem like a necessarily evil, but it serves many purposes other than simply bowing to client demands. Timely updates enable you to gather any relevant data, while regular communication ensures that clients are satisfied with your overall service so that they will continue to use your firm. If you offer services other than conveyancing, even including non-legal services, then a client that is satisfied with your service and happy with your communications will be more inclined to use your firm again.
Ongoing Progress Reports
When most firms hear the words regular communication, they think of making weekly phone calls, wasting time that could be spent on mission critical tasks, and ignoring the actual conveyancing process. What if your firm could provide updates to clients, whenever they want them, and without having to pick up a phone, write an email, or even look for information on where a case is at? Using case management software, you can provide clients with access to an online account where they can see exactly the status of their project, without having to pick up a phone and ask.
Cut Telephone Hassle
There are few things more disturbing than a constantly ringing telephone. Even a two-minute enquiry can take up a lot of time, and it will inevitably take even more time to pick up the pace and concentrate on the task at hand again afterwards. Some clients may still pick up the phone to request an update, but you can cut the number of calls received considerably through the sending of automated emails and SMS messages, and by offering access to online updates whenever the client wants.
Allow Fee Earners To Earn Fees
Not all conveyancing firms can afford or justify having a team of customer service representatives to take calls and answer queries, and this means that solicitors and fee earners may be left to do this work. With conveyancing software, and the automated communication benefits that it offers, you can leave the fee earners to do what they are best at – earning fees, without having to spend a large chunk of budget on a dedicated customer service team.
Improve Client Experience To Improve Potential Profits
Of course, it isn’t just you and your business that benefits from improved communications either. Your clients will appreciate being kept in the loop, they will be more inclined to use your service again in the future, and they will spread the word of how effective your communication efforts are by telling friends, family, and colleagues about their positive experience.
Redbrick Solutions provides high quality and effective case management software for conveyancing firms. Improve communications to benefit yourself, your business, and your clients.